Stephen A Halsey JHS 157 Home

Empowering Minds
Inspiring Excellence
Celebrating Community 
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About Us

Known as the “Father of Astoria,” Stephen A. Halsey was a wealthy fur trader who bought most of the land along the East River known as Hallet’s Cove. He incorporated the village in 1839 and famously changed the name to Astoria, after his mentor and millionaire John Jacob Astor.
Halsey’s hope was that Astor would invest in the new community and while that never really happened, Halsey did lay out the streets, built infrastructure and promoted settlement in the village.
Students on Color Day

Our Mission

Stephen A. Halsey is dedicated to preparing its students to become productive citizens by instilling in them a love of learning through enriched standard driven curricula that incorporates cultural sensitivity and a respect for differences, which will prepare them for future challenges via a committed partnership with parents and teachers.

Important Dates

Math Bee

Time: 8 AM – 12:45 PM
Location: Auditorium

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